Thursday 16 April 2020

Life must be lived forwards

Søren Kierkegaard
“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”
― Søren Kierkegaard


Sorry, but I’m still enraptured by the beauty if spring and don’t have the attention span to do justice to it in paint. My condo faces south, so I get both the beauty of sunrise and the glow of sunset. Better yet, due to self-isolation I’m here to enjoy it. I promise I will paint soon, but in the meantime, isn’t this image simply amazing?

As for the quote above, I’m finding A new pleasure in doing nothing. I find myself sitting for hours in my recliner, looking out at my Victory Garden and the trees in the linear park bursting into new life. I am living my life forward, but not at the frantic pace of the last few years, I think I’m moving  at the gentle pace that God intended. Yes, I’m doing paperwork, making masks, talking to friends on the phone, emailing, gardening etc. but it all seems to get accomplished with plenty of time for myself. What a blessing.

How is isolation working for you?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds delightful Sea. I am actually doing some reading, Enjoying the view, resting more than usual. Working on projects I have put off. STILL working on my digital file organization. I think I am on the third week, but the days are running together. Enjoy your view, your comfortable chair, and your garden :)


I love to hear your views and connect on a personal level so feel free to say hi.

All work by Sea Dean protected by International Copyright - No printing, copying, electronic transfer or any form of duplication allowed without written permission from the Artist.