Friday, 8 February 2013


ACEO ORIGINAL 3.5" x 2.5"
To purchase this painting or view my Gallery please visit Daily Paintworks. Larger originals in the same series or prints may be available. If you want to "Buy Now" for immediate shipping I can cancel any auction where bidding hasn't started.

We're getting closer to Valentine's day and it's hard to avoid all the hearts, chocolates and red velvet. So if you can't beat them why not join them? 

"Give Only Love" is a reaction to the commercialism of Valentine's Day. Because of the deluge of advertising we immediately think of giving chocolates, lingerie, a fancy dinner, gold, or diamonds, but how often do we focus on giving love?

I'm not referring to sex, romance or even a loving relationship with a significant other, I'm talking about committing to give only love on Valentines' Day.
Give out free candies, smile at people in the elevator, phone a friend you haven't seen for a long time, bake some cookies and take them to a lonely neighbour or help someone you don't know carry their groceries,  ... in other words spread love around.

Love breeds love. When you give freely from your heart, love flows back in mysterious ways. Where there is love there can be no war, hatred, killing, poverty, or starvation.

I always love to hear what you have to say. Please leave a comment below

Cat # 13033 


  1. This heart is playful and powerful at the same time. I can I say...LOVE it!

    I also love your new format. Congratulations. I find the blog very easy with lots of wonderful art, ideas, fun, and great information. I think of you every time I paint something with red in it.

    1. Thank you Julie. I still need to fix how the blog goes out in the email, or at least it doesn't look good when it comes to my inbos. However, at the moment I've reached the limit of my technical knowledge.

    2. You know what Julie? I was just queueing some blogs and when I saw your comment again I remembered that I was singing "Lets go Fly a Kite" and thinking of Mary Poppins when I painted this. That must be where the "Powerful" and "Playful" come in. :o)


I love to hear your views and connect on a personal level so feel free to say hi.

All work by Sea Dean protected by International Copyright - No printing, copying, electronic transfer or any form of duplication allowed without written permission from the Artist.