Monday, 11 February 2013


Original Art ACEO
2.5" x 3.5"
by Sea Dean

To purchase this painting or view my Gallery please visit Daily Paintworks. Larger originals in the same series or prints may be available. To "Buy Now" for immediate shipping (when there are no current bids) contact Sea

I painted this in memory of my father. His friends and colleagues called him Art and he loved Art; how ironic that he didn't live to see me as a professional Artist. 

Art came from a long line of strong country folk who worked with their hands. From a young age he made beautiful wood carvings, first of the famous planes of his childhood like the Spitfire and later a copy of an African Mask darkened with black shoe polish which I still cherish. My father could fix anything, he called it "Deanizing" and many of my memories of him were sitting quietly watching him as he fixed and created. Early memories sitting in the sweet smelling wood shavings on his workshop floor and later watching him tinker with a fan he broke because he was unsteady on his feet in his last months.

When I saw these tulips they instantly reminded me of my father because for years he kept a bunch of silk tulips in this shade, on his console. He loved gardening and his flower beds were picture perfect and overflowing with petunias in white, magenta and violet. When he was dying my mother made him a pillow cover in this colour and he often used to smile and touch it. Deep, luminous cool magenta pink mixed with violet made his heart sing. 

This is for you Daddy. I love you and still think of you every day. 

by Sea Dean
Original Art OOAK 2.5" x 3.5"

To purchase this painting or view my Gallery please visit Daily Paintworks. Larger originals in the same series or prints may be available. To "Buy Now" for immediate shipping (when there are no current bids) contact Sea

"Organdy" ACEO is on an unprecedented repeat auction because the first auction had a fault making it appear the starting price was $15, not the regular $9. I have also posted a more accurate photo of this beautiful work. 

 Cat # 13037, posted as #9 on Leslie Saeta's weekend Blog on February 16th 
and Cat # 13029 currently on auction at Daily Paintworks (new photo)

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All work by Sea Dean protected by International Copyright - No printing, copying, electronic transfer or any form of duplication allowed without written permission from the Artist.