Thursday, 21 April 2016


3.5" X 2.5" Canvas Card
Soft White 8" x 10" Mat and archival clear bag $35
Framed in white as shown $50
Painting is on exhibition so contact me to purchase. If available, it ships within 3 days.

I went for a spring drive with a friend yesterday. The weather was a perfect 21 degrees celsius, the sun was out and there was a light breeze. Towards the end of the day my friend asked how many photos I had taken, (I was taking inspiration shots for local landscape paintings) I said a couple of hundred and when I checked it was actually over 450. When I've finished sorting and cataloging there will probably be about 10 of those that inspire me enough to paint without many changes, but there were many photographs of trees, plants and birds which will find their way into my foregrounds.

The little ACEO above was painted from one of my photo sessions. The inspiration photo was actually taken at sunrise. I saw the glow in the sky from inside the house, grabbed my camera and ran out and down the lane in my slippers and dressing gown. The sheep and cows in the fields by the lane seemed quite surprised. I managed to step in some horse patties on the way and got mud up to my ankles and ruined my slippers, but I think it was worth it.

My original ACEO can be purchased here
My limited edition ACEO, prints and cards can be purchased here

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All work by Sea Dean protected by International Copyright - No printing, copying, electronic transfer or any form of duplication allowed without written permission from the Artist.