Embellished iPad drawing by Sea Dean
8" x 10" Mounted on Powlonia Cradle
$99 + shipping
To purchase contact Here
Digital art is coming of age and my latest work is at the cutting edge of this revolution. Unlike the majority of digital art, I create my drawings on a blank page in a simple iPad Notes draw app. I operate the very limited set of 4 tools, 15 colors and 8 shades, with one finger which makes it very authentic. Nevertheless, my original drawings are digital in nature and can only be exhibited as a digital file, or a print.
At the outset I decided to exhibit my work as limited prints on various surfaces, some mounted to gallery standard on professional quality wood cradles. I believe these works are equal to charcole, graphite, pastel, colored pencil or any other type of drawing because in the creation process nothing involves machinery, it is in the delivery method that I have no choice but to print.
Sadly most galleries, both bricks and mortar and online don't see things my way. They seem to confuse original digital art like mine with fine art prints or manipulated digital images, which can make navigating the jury process difficult. To me it seems unfair to accept collage assembled from 100% non-artist made items such as clippings, lace, found objects etc. and reject 100% artist drawn digital creations. This illuminates the subjective nature of art appreciation and the widespread dichotomy in the art world.
Many artists have fought the art establishment with no success, but there are easier ways to circumnavigate burocracy via compliance. I started thinking about the question of originality and asked many jury members and gallery owners the question "How do I make my original iPad drawings acceptable?" (to your jury, exhibition, gallery etc.) The bottom line answer was there must be an original hand applied element. Aha!
So I set my sights on original additions. The art work above is part of a series embellishing my original digital drawings in order to comply. The bonus is that each artwork is unique and as such demands a higher price. In addition, my creative juices are on fire. Whooooo Hoooooo!
"SUN IN WATER I" is a totally unique work of art, which incorporates prints of my original iPad drawings, irridescent/interference paint and a unique brush finish which adds movement and an ever changing pattern to the piece. The finished work is eye popping and amazing. I'm reluctant to sell this piece.... "unique" doesn't even come close to describing the effect, but as with all my gloss/metallic work it is impossible to photograph in its full glory, so, you'll just have to take my word for it.
30 in 30
I'm one of the artists taking part in the Leslie Saeta 30 paintings in 30 days challenge. This is the ninth time Leslie has held this event and I've taken part in each one. This is # thirteen of the thirty iPad drawings that I plan to complete by September 30th.
I love the energy of this challenge and that it inspires me to create new work each day. I'm pleased to join challenge again and look forward to adding 30 new drawings to my Limited Edition Collection.
See all the Challenge Artists Work here
I'm at #56
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All work by Sea Dean protected by International Copyright - No printing, copying, electronic transfer or any form of duplication allowed without written permission from the Artist.