ORIGINAL ART 8" x 10" (20 cm x 25 cm)
Thick impasto style with bronze highlights
Ask about larger Originals in the same series or Prints. To view my Gallery or purchase this painting please visit Daily Paintworks.
January was quite a hectic month with my commitment to 30 paintings in 30 days and hosting a visitor for 3 weeks. This month I plan to cut back a bit and catch up with requests. I created this painting, "And the Flowers Sang" in November but recently decided it needed some extra work. I really love the result. It is larger than my recent ACEO series but still very affordable through Daily Paintworks.
Here is the February 2013 News for Paint a Masterpiece
1. If you haven't heard already I have launched a challenge to create and submit a portrait of Catharine, Duchess of Cambridge. (See Jan 30th post). Submissions accepted Feb 8th - March 8th 2013. Please send a link to any Artist you know, even if the challenge is not for them they will know Artists who would enjoy it.
2. For the courageous non-portrait painters, I will be giving free portrait lessons throughout February on this blog in conjunction with the above challenge.
3. My gallery at Daily Paintworks this month features, Hearts, Flowers and Tropical Ocean Views in celebration of Valentines Day and a desire to fly south.
4. My painting this month will be mainly commissions and larger works, so I will likely blog only 2 or 3 times a week.
5. My auctions at Daily Paintworks continue with bids starting at $1. A great opportunity to pick up an original piece of Art.
I welcome comments below. If you have a challenge posting use Anonymous but please put your byline.
Cat # 12114 "And the Flowers Sang" - Posted as # 16 on Leslie Saeta Weekend Post Feb 2nd 2013
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All work by Sea Dean protected by International Copyright - No printing, copying, electronic transfer or any form of duplication allowed without written permission from the Artist.