Saturday, 25 April 2015

GLACIAL LAKE - PADDLING THE INLET and Johannes Vloothuis on painting water

This is a painting I created in a paint along with Johannes Vloothuis. These are very long sessions of up to 6 hours without a break, but his instruction is well worth it. Johannes uses a more natural style than I do, so if I was to paint this larger it would probably have more texture and brighter colours, but I do really like it. The painting is available framed at Daily Paintworks. 

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PADDLING THE INLET is a block mounted painting ready to hang or display free standing on a window sill or shelf. It was painted after one of my many trips to the pacific northwest. This painting is also available in my Daily Paintworks online gallery. 

While beautiful in the sunshine, this area is just as stunning on a cloudy day. It seems to have a mystical, magical, peaceful quality to the light and atmosphere. No wonder the Coast Salish have so many stories and legends to explain the creation of this area.

Below are some of Johannes tips to painting water.

Johannes Vloothuis 
Rules of Thumb for Painting Water Reflections:
  • Whatever is dark on dry land will be lighter in the water.
  • Whatever is light on dry land will be darker in the water.
  • Colors become less saturated in water reflections. Even white will need to be grayed down in the water.
  • Details are left out. Only the basic smudges of color are needed.
  • Avoid all hard edges in water reflections.
  • Because water is more dense than air it, will absorb light. Therefore do not repeat the same value of the sky in the water reflections. Water will almost always be darker than the sky it is mirroring.
“The Complete Essentials of Painting Water” and other video courses are available at North Light has also just released a new eBook written by Johannes titled Landscape Painting Essentials. Join his online art classes at

REF 4133 Glacial Lake

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