Sunday, 26 April 2015


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I've had several paintings on the go for a few days. I paint a bit on each and leave them to dry. The next day I take each one in turn and decide how to progress. Yesterday I had time to finish several.

This and tomorrow's painting are both on prepared wood panels which I chose because of the smoothness of the surface. Acrylic paint tends to dry quickly on a panel so it gives the painting a more spontaneous painterly look.

P.S. - I laughed when I saw Karen Margulis' blog post today because she also had a poppy experience and gave directions how she paints her pastel poppies. I love her work and her blog is on the list on the right of my blog page if you want to check it out.

P.P.S. - I really enjoy connecting with readers of my blog, so if you have any questions, comments, or just want to say hi, leave me a comment.

P.P.P.S. - Today, why not follow my blog so you don't miss any of my pop up free lessons, tips and tricks.

REF 5049 Poppies and Daisies

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All work by Sea Dean protected by International Copyright - No printing, copying, electronic transfer or any form of duplication allowed without written permission from the Artist.