Saturday, 16 April 2016


These are the side swap postcards I've received so far. Wonderful creativity.

Sheila Delgado was the first because she already had my address. Sheila lives in California, USA, but keeps hinting of a move north. She seems determined to create the perfect Sunflower/Daisy/Marigold painting and I have to admire her tenacity. As far as I'm concerned they're all perfect; she is a much better artist than she allows. Pop over to her blog and tell her how great this flower is.

As you see, I'm not immune to the sunflower virus. I photographed her postcard with one of my own sunflower paintings and one of my favorite things gifted to me by the activity manager of a care facility where I staged an exhibition. She said the residents loved my exhibition so much they wanted to give me something.

The message on the back of her card is a quotation from Henri Matisse "Creativity takes courage." I'm sure many of us can relate to that!

I received the other postcards all together, but next I'll show you Louise Berthereau-Mamet because it came all the way from Saint Cyr sur Loire, France in it's own protective envelope. This is a traditional cottage in Brittany. Doesn't it make you want to jump on the next plane? I love the crochet curtains. I couldn't resist staging it with the back of my studio door where I've mounted an Eiffel Tower sticker to remind me that I WILL be back. That is my painting cover up hanging ready next to it.

Next up is Marie Antoinette. No not the real MA but a fabulous collage including her famous quotation. I saw this postcard and loved it so much that I begged Julie Welsh to send me one. She didn't have any in stock but made one especially for me. Now that's what I call dedication to the swap. Isn't this card amazing? I will have to frame it and put it on my special artist' wall. Julie lives in Michigan, USA

I photographed Marie with a new acquisition waiting for renos to be finished so I can find the perfect spot. As you see, I have a bit of over the top sparkelitis in me and I've been trying to resist this sticker for a while. It reminds me of my friends in Paris who have decorated the smallest room in the house in Versailles style.

Another dedicated swapper is David Wolanski. He keeps a list of contacts and sends out random postcards when fancy takes him. His work is a rarity these days being imaged on film with a toy camera. I love the moody quality of this bridge phtograph. The card came all the way from New Jersey, but David lives in Mississippi, USA

I've photographed the postcard with a couple of my unresolved paintings. We have a new semi floating bridge over the Lake and whenever I paint it, the work sells. The trouble is, that bridge is very difficult to paint and that little white line takes hours to perfect. It's something to do with that long gentle slope and my shaky hands. Nonetheless I must have it ready for submission soon, so I've gotta get my skates on.

This pretty face was created by Janice Darby. Her linked blog shows more of her beautiful art. I'm so pleased we are side swap buddies. Janice lives in California, USA

I've imaged the postcard with one of my favorite "happy" paintings. It was in my bathroom until I started to redecorate and now it's waiting for a new spot. I thought the color scheme and style was very similar to the postcard. Maybe they'll end up together somewhere after I've painted the walls.

Then comes this extraordinary image of water. I love to paint water, so this piece holds endless fascination for me. I love that soft peach line in the distance and that craggy branch; bird and reflection become one endless image. Which is real and which reflected? From Lisa Comperry of Texas, USA

I photographed the card in the care of St Francis. My name saint is St Cecilia, patron saint of music, but I've always felt an affinity for St Francis, patron saint of animals.This was the headstone for my beloved cat until we moved away from where she lies, so I took the statue with me to keep her close. When she saw birds she made a strange sort of chipmunk chattering noise which is weird because surely the birds would be warned of her presence. She was chased by crows once when she was a kitten so perhaps it was a warning chatter to other cats. I can see her doing it with these birds, but she'd not go near the water, so they would be safe.

As you see, the wall behind is ripped apart. New windows are being fitted this week so everything near them is pulled out of the way including the baseboard. All the curtains come down Monday morning so I will have sheets on the windows, like a frat house. Wish I had a giant flag to put there.

To see Kat Sloma's 2016 LYA video of postcards in the swap click here. (mine is # 2, the cute doggie)
To view the 2015 video click here (mine is #11, the mountain)

To join next years swap and find out how it works, click here

For the 2016 blog hop click on one of the artists links below
See my  postcards from 2015 swap here
See the 2015 blog hop here

To view and purchase my prints, postcards and Art cards click here
To view or purchase my paintings click here or here

Thank you for visiting my blog

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All work by Sea Dean protected by International Copyright - No printing, copying, electronic transfer or any form of duplication allowed without written permission from the Artist.