Friday, 15 April 2016


Four of my 2016 Liberate Your Art main swap postcards have arrived at their destinations, one in Iowa, one in Virginia, one in Arkansas and one in California (all USA of course). With the main swap you have no idea where your postcards travel, so it's nice for those receiving them to send an email or post an image on the Facebook Event Page here. I was lucky that my recipients posted on the page. One is still out there, so if I haven't mentioned you here please send me an email or post on FB.

Emily Hahn received my postcard in Ashburn, Virginia, USA - Mister was not impressed - 
Main Swap
This year I swapped my new pet portrait postcard. This proved to be a good move, because many swappers photograph the postcard in context and share the image on Facebook. As a result I was introduced to some new furry friends.

SHARON HYLL and her German Shedder - Iowa, USA - Main Swap
Sharon was the first swapper to let me know she had received my postcard. She posted about it on the Facebook Event Page and when we connected, she also sent me two e-postcards of her work. Beautiful! My postcard was the second she had received on March 21st.

PATSY J LAWRENCE with Buddy - Tennessee, USA - Side Swap
ANGELA ALLEN - Arkansas, USA - Main Swap

Patricia Mark  - Oregon, USA - Side Swap
This year I also arranged 10 side swaps. Most recipients posted photos on the Facebook Event Page and some were very creative. One swapper spoke about having so much fun with this that I think she be considering a change of career.

There were many unique stories about a chosen setting. For instance Louise in France had a lovely story about this precious vintage china dog; it was her Mother's when she was a child and very special to to them both. She also wrote this.

"Train wheels are running through the back of my memory
When I ran on a hilltop following a pack of wild geese
Someday everything is gonna sound like a rhapsody
When I paint my masterpiece..."
Bob Dylan and Band

I was inspired by these words upon receiving Sea Dean's side swap of Liberate your Art 2016... Sea is an amazing artist capturing so well the expressions while portraying these pets. Her website is, now you understand better why I thought of the above lyrics... 

JULIE WELSH - Michigan, USA - Side Swap

SHEILA DELGADO - California USA - Side Swap
LISA COMPERRY - Texas, USA - Side Swap

To see Kat Sloma's 2016 LYA video of postcards in the swap click here. (mine is # 2, the cute doggie)
To view the 2015 video click here (mine is #11, the mountain)

To join next years swap and find out how it works, click here.

See the 2015 blog hop here
For the 2016 blog hop click on one of the artists links below.

To view and purchase my prints, postcards and Art cards click here
To view or purchase my paintings click here or here

Thank you for visiting my blog

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All work by Sea Dean protected by International Copyright - No printing, copying, electronic transfer or any form of duplication allowed without written permission from the Artist.