Monday, 14 January 2013


Day 14 - 30 in 30

If you've been following my work you will have noticed I have a thing about mountains. I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. There is something about the light and air around mountain peaks that leaves me awestruck.

Larger Originals or Prints of this ACEO may be available

To view my Gallery or purchase this painting please visit Daily Paintworks. This painting for auction, but I have a "Buy Now" price if there is no current bid. Please contact me to inquire.

I find my best work is when I'm "in the zone". I focus my thoughts on my subject and allow the essence to flow through me and into the Art. That is why I call certain paintings "Essence" paintings. They bring certain aspects to your home. For this painting - peace, clarity and quiet power.

This is what was in my thoughts while creating "Himalayas".

The clouds at the tip of the mountain either cling to the peak or shroud the upper ridges creating a mysterious land unseen from below. "The land that time forgot". If there are no clouds you will see unusual light effects, auras reaching up to the heavens. It's no wonder that the ancients left offerings at the approach to appease the spirits.

When a mountain has a snowy overcoat the wind often blows snow-dust into the air far out over the valley like a gossamer scarf. And if you are on the powdery slopes, snow crystals fill the air like fairly dust. That mountain air is like nothing else on earth, filling you with life force at every breath. Whether you see them from afar, or stand on their shoulders, mountains embody majesty.  

Yes, I love mountains and I think we owe them a little respect.

INVESTOR ALERT! This is the first time I've signed the sky!

I welcome comments. If there is a challenge use Anonymous but please put your byline.

How many paintings does it take to become a professional Artist?
The importance of Statistics
"Every Painting should have a hint of red"
Where will your painting find a home?
A fascination for Miniatures - ATC, ACEO, OOAK etc  
"I would rather die of passion than of boredom"
(Cat # 13013 - posted as # 11 on Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30)

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All work by Sea Dean protected by International Copyright - No printing, copying, electronic transfer or any form of duplication allowed without written permission from the Artist.