Day 27 - 30 in 30
Ask about larger Originals in the same series or Prints of this ACEO. To view my Gallery please visit Daily Paintworks.
This painting is SOLD but I'm happy to take a commission for a similar work. Contact me to inquire about prints and Art cards.
When a cat sleeps they seem to be able to completely detach themselves from the world. They are "out". It's so relaxing to watch that absolute dedication to rest. I often wish I had the ability to instantly disconnect myself from the rest of the world and attain an instant alpha state.
Cats also seem to have the ability reconnect in a flash if they sense something. When they are alert, they fully engage in whatever is happening. I suppose that's the Zen of kittydom or somesuch philosophy.
Tip: Backgrounds are crucial and worth spending time on. Here I chose to balance the bright fur colour with some abstract flashes of bronze but it took several attempts to get the right effect.

Let me know what you think. I welcome comments below. If you have a challenge posting use Anonymous but please put your byline.
How many paintings does it take to become a professional Artist?
The importance of Statistics
"Every Painting should have a hint of red"
Where will your painting find a home?
A fascination for Miniatures - ATC, ACEO, OOAK etc
"I would rather die of passion than of boredom"
(Cat # 13026 - posted as # 7 on Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30)
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All work by Sea Dean protected by International Copyright - No printing, copying, electronic transfer or any form of duplication allowed without written permission from the Artist.