Sunday, 27 January 2013


Day 27 - 30 in 30

Ask about larger Originals in the same series or Prints of this ACEO. To view my Gallery please visit Daily Paintworks. 

This painting is SOLD but I'm happy to take a commission for a similar work. Contact me to inquire about prints and Art cards.

When a cat sleeps they seem to be able to completely detach themselves from the world. They are "out". It's so relaxing to watch that absolute dedication to rest. I often wish I had the ability to instantly disconnect myself from the rest of the world and attain an instant alpha state.  

Cats also seem to have the ability reconnect in a flash if they sense something. When they are alert, they fully engage in whatever is happening. I suppose that's the Zen of kittydom or somesuch philosophy.

Tip: Backgrounds are crucial and worth spending time on. Here I chose to balance the bright fur colour with some abstract flashes of bronze but it took several attempts to get the right effect.

Two of my original works are now on auction for Hurricane Sandy relief. Low starting bid but reverting to regular price soon. To bid click on photo.

Let me know what you think. I welcome comments below. If you have a challenge posting use Anonymous but please put your byline.

How many paintings does it take to become a professional Artist?
The importance of Statistics
"Every Painting should have a hint of red"
Where will your painting find a home?
A fascination for Miniatures - ATC, ACEO, OOAK etc  
"I would rather die of passion than of boredom"
(Cat # 13026 - posted as # 7 on Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30)

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All work by Sea Dean protected by International Copyright - No printing, copying, electronic transfer or any form of duplication allowed without written permission from the Artist.